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Saturday, January 12, 2019

New Series: Genius Talks

Genius Talks is an all new Youtube series hosted by one of the hottest producers in the DC, Maryland, and Virginia area: Tyler GENIUS. The first episode maps out what the award winning producer has planned for its future. Discussions and tips delivered to a homegrown artist. The last two years have drawn him great success, but he also mentions his downfalls. He admits, no one has a perfect career and many fail, but it’s about the growth beyond that which creates success. The series has a light tone and can be beneficial to artists, musicians, producers and even entrepreneurs. It’s all under the umbrella of Tyler GENIUS.

Click here to watch the first episode.

Follow Tyler GENIUS:
  • Twitter @TylerGENIUS
  • Instagram @ItsTylerGENIUS

Purchase a beat by Tyler GENIUS: 

Monday, January 7, 2019

Internet by Lil Dude

Rapper Lil Dude, also known as Lil Dudeluciano via social media, released a brand new video last week for his single ‘Internet’. The video features text bubbles and of course beautiful women. The visual rolled out as preparation for his next mixtape ‘Trapnanana 2’. The new tape is set to drop sometime this month and is the follow to the fan-favorite original Trapnanana project. 

Click here to watch the ‘Internet’ music video.