Two of the hottest tastemakers of hip hop’s underground have combined their minds to create their first collaborative playlist. MOSHPIT a media presence from the DMV area and Paris’ Fresh Ones Park owner and curator FH, have teamed up to expose truly all of the potential stars that may arise this year. Artists like FINGO 33 (@digitalfingo), Reddo (@95REDDO), Lil Xelly (@lilxelly), and TrippJones (@_TrippJones) make an appearance. They put together over twenty singles from different artists located across the country and from the DMV’s hotspot for talent. Artists featured on the list break the mold, such as the explosive track “OOPS...” by Rare Tazo (@RareTazo) and the quick draw talent of Xaefdn (@XaeFDN) in “Tony Montana”. Producers Klimongue, Sparkeem (@Sparkheem) and, as a duo, Neiiburr (@Neiiburr) and YungBRANDOO add extra sauce to the mix. If you have some extra time on your hand or need to find some new music for your personal playlist, this is for you.
Click here to stream the “MOSHPIT vs. Fresh Ones Park Playlist Volume 1” playlist on SoundCloud.