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Thursday, December 3, 2020

W!ld C4rd by G.Soulow


G.Soulow is putting the finishing touches on his discography for the year. His latest EP, W!ld C4rd, puts his growth and evolution as an artist in 2020 on full display. It’s full of high energy, catchy bars, and new lines to take with you. Lyrically, he’s only surpassed his previous projects. His dedication to Hip Hop’s fundamentals allows him to excel when he infuses his writing with a modern sound. The EP is also completely self-produced. This combination of talents gives G.Soulow an advantage over most independent artists. Taking on both fields places him in a category of artist-producers such as Kanye West, Tyler the Creator, and even Chief Keef. Ultimately, only time will tell where we’ll see G.Soulow next, but it seems he may be hard to ignore by then.

Click here to listen to W!ld C4rd anywhere.