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Saturday, May 4, 2019

Brownskin Superstar by Young Riggady

Young Riggady is a hungry, driven rapper from Maryland, making small and large feats as he begins his journey into the music industry. His sound is homegrown, his message is methodical. In his latest single ‘Brownskin Superstar’ Riggady shouts-out powerful and respected leaders of the Civil Rights Movement, from Martin Luther King to Frederick Douglas. He expresses that he is all of these people, their revolutionary energy lives on within him and all black people. His message is motivational and uplifting. His delivery is confident and the beat compliments his theme. He uses music as a medium for expressing his thoughts and connecting with his supporters. Soon, his words will be heard across the country.

Friday, May 3, 2019

YBN Cordaé’s Lost Boy Tour

YBN Cordaé’s music is reaching a larger audience than he’s ever dreamed, and this summer, so will he. The South Carolina native rapper is bringing his sound across North America. The tour begins in Montreal, Quebec on the 23rd of this month and is currently scheduled to end a month later in Anaheim, California. Cordaé has kept his new music under lock and key. So far, he and his camp haven’t experienced any leaks, but fans are getting antsy. On his most recent Instagram post, at the time of writing, a fan tried out his luck, pressing the young rapper to release the album. Although there is no official release date known to the public, Cordaé promises he won’t go on tour without dropping the album first. Considering his explosive rapping skills, I think his fans could use a few extra days to learn all the lyrics before tour kicks off.

Lil Xelly ‘No Way Out’ EP

The Maryland native is back with another EP. For this project he collaborated with producer SenseiATL. His fans can expect explosive beats and ‘Trap Xelly’, one of his alter egos, at his best that they’ve heard yet. The only thing left is for his supporters to generate enough buzz for the EP to be released. If you check their track record, that doesn’t seem too difficult.