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Thursday, January 16, 2020


A calming ambience and a hazy room must be the set inside of recording artist Roku’s mind. His music provides this exact aesthetic, it’s ideal for an immersive experience, a friends-only kickback and perfect for a study session. His rhythmic and somber style pairs well with hip hop influences. Roku is skilled at finding the peace in anything. His latest single “MiddleMan”, produced by 2thousan9, pushes these skills to the foreground. He balances his flow’s energy with low tempo instrumentals well. His music may sound sad to the untrained ear, but Roku has found his niche in this balance. All of his supporters know this from experience, whether through music or his social output, he’s one of the chillest personalities out there.

How long have you been making music? Has it always been your passion?

ROKU: I’ve been making music since seventh grade but really taking it seriously since I was about 18/19. I’m 22 now. Music and creativity has always been my passion. I used to want to be a director before I started making music. 

What was your first recording session like? When did you step into your first official studio?

ROKU: My first recording session was really dope cuz it was just me with my computer and a mic and I could experiment and take as much time as I needed. The first professional studio I went to was when I started going to audio engineering school and I got to use the studios there. But I’ve always been my own engineer and recorded myself even to this day. I just keep upgrading all my equipment.

Since you gained knowledge for your musical career from college, do you have advice for artists that are in school/college that may feel dropping out is their best option?

ROKU: Well I’m not gonna lie I actually didn’t go to college either. I took a year long course at a recording studio so it wasn’t like school at all it was like an apprenticeship fr. But as far as kids in school I would just say stay in school until you feel real traction. And then when u really feel like people are listening I would drop out and go head first. People put way too much of a stress on school you don’t need it. But it def helps some people.

Where do you draw your inspiration?

ROKU I draw my inspiration from my everyday life and the struggles/successes I go thru. And just being able to say something that connects w people. I also draw inspiration from the people around me, and my inspiration musically comes from my favorite artists and my friends who make music. 

Do you think where you’re from has held you back or pushed you forward?

ROKU: Where I’m from has helped and held me back. It’s held me back just cuz I’m not in LA or NY and that’s where the actual music BUSINESS is. But it’s helped me so much more cuz there’s so many talented artists around me who bring good energy. The scene in the DMV and in Maryland especially has so much goin on rn.

What adversities do you feel you’ve overcome since you’ve started your career?

ROKU: Some adversities I’ve overcome is remembering to be patient w everything, as well as getting out of my own way fr. Every artist is their own worst enemy. 

What critical aspects of your artistry have changed or evolved in the last few years?

ROKU: I stopped trying to write bars w hella metaphors and double entendres and started just speaking from the heart and talking about my everyday life. I also switched up what kind of beats I like to jump on as I’ve grown as a artists.

What can fans expect from you this year? Any project coming in the next couple of momths?

ROKU: 2020 I’m boutta go crazy. I got hella videos coming in the next 2 months plus at least 3 more projects. And I’m always boutta flood my soundcloud with singles. I’m also tryna get sum behind the scenes videos going. Just be on the look out for Roku 2020. Love y’all

Click here to listen to Roku on SoundCloud.

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